homeopathic remedy for constipation

Homeopathic Remedy for Constipation and its Treatment

Homeopathic Remedy for Constipation is based on tried and tested 200 yrs old natural therapeutic medicinal system. It dwells upon the inherent ability of the body to fight against the diseased condition.

Homeopathic remedies use a small amount of plant or mineral substance to stimulate the body natural healing capacity.

Before we go about talking the homeopathic remedy for constipation, it is better to understand what Constipation is?

What is Constipation?

Constipation in itself is not a disease but manifestation of other diseases.

In literal meaning, Constipation is a condition of the body which causes difficulty in evacuating the bowels. It is usually associated with hardened stools. The normal frequency of bowel movements is if disturbed, the person may be called having Constipation.

Reason for Constipation

Constipation may be caused due to one or more of the following reasons:-

(i) The sedentary lifestyle of the individual.
(ii) Not consuming enough intake of water in the body.
(iii) Consuming excessive nonvegetarian food, spicy food, fast food etc.
(iv) Drinking excessive amount of alcoholic substance, tea, coffee or even cold drinks.
(v) Certain types of the disease also cause constipation as the secondary symptom of the illness.
(vi) Acidity and Heartburn

Symptoms of Constipation

Before we talk about the various homeopathic remedy for constipation, it is important to understand the very symptoms of constipation, so that diagnosis is easy and certain.


Once you are sure about the symptoms which match with the conditions of the Constipation, you can proceed with its treatment. Various symptoms of constipation are given below:-

(i) On bowel clearance experience passing hard stools.
(ii) Often feels that bowel is not fully cleared from the rectum.
(iii) Strenuous bowel evacuation
(iv) Irregular bowel movements.
(v) The individual may pass less than three stools in a week.

Risk Factors for Constipation

There are different factors which may be causes of the risk associated with constipation. Some of them are enumerated as follows:-

(i) Old age
(ii) Ladies are more prone
(iii) Anxiety and tension
(iv) Sedentary lifestyle
(v) Dehydration
(vi) Effect of certain types of Medication

Different Homeopathic Remedy for Constipation

Constipation is a very common problem faced by almost all people in their some point of life. It casts quite an unpleasant feeling to the individual. A different homeopathic remedy for constipation may be tried out on the advice of a practicing homeopath. Some of the most frequently homeopathic remedies are given below:-

Constipation Remedy

Calcarea Carnpmoca

It is one of the very popular homeopathic remedy for constipation. It is most suited to a person with a little bulky body and is often sluggish or clumsy in their activities. The stool is hard at first then sticky and then it may be in the form of liquid. Carving for sweet may also be present.


It is yet another very popular homeopathic remedy for constipation. This medicine acts good on a person who generally looks nervous and often feels exhausted. People who take longer duration in their bowel clearance may respond well to Silicea.


This homeopathic remedy is good for the person who often has lack of urging for bowel movements. The person may feel dryness in their rectum and may feel grouchy. Presence of slight passing the stool may be present.


This is yet another very popular homeopathic remedy for constipation. A patient of Lycopodium may present symptoms of gas and bloat. Often drinking warm water relieves the problem. Craving for sweet may or may not be present in the patient. Lycopodium is more suited for children and Ladies.

Nux Vomica

This is also a very common homeopathic remedy for constipation. Nux Vomica is more indicated in a person suffering from liver-related problems. The patient who has to carve for sweet and spicy foods has got anxiety and often feels headaches, fatigues, and chilliness of body may benefit substantially from Nux Vomica.


People who pass hard stool with straining, often suffer from diarrhea. They have got foul smelling gas or flatulence. For such person, Suphur acts well as remedy. A person suffering from piles and has often ineffectual urging to stool may be given few doses of sulphur for relief.

Precautionary Measures

Apart from taking the proper homeopathic remedy for constipation, certain precautionary measures and lifestyle modification may help to ease the symptoms and cure constipation. We can try the following to get rid of constipation.

(i) Always avoid very hot or very cold food products.
(ii) Avoid processed food, fast food, dairy products.
(iii) Avoid Excessive consumption of nonvegetarian food.
(iv) Always consume sufficient amount of water and keep yourself sufficiently hydrated.
(v) Perform regular exercises and meditation
(vi) Consume high fiber food and leafy products.
(vii) Schedule your bowel movements once in the early morning and once during evening times.


Constipation is basically a symptomatic condition which is the result of some underlying disturbances/ disease of the body. It is the most common disease which induces disturbances in the routine life of most of us.

Sometimes these symptomatic conditions may become a chronic one if you don’t use proper care/ treatment in time.

Alternative medicine systems like Ayurveda or Homeopathy are very good for Constipation. Often they treat the problem without any side effects.

In this article, we have discussed Constipation in detail and tried to bring out different aspects of the disease and its viable treatment by different homeopathic medicines.

We have taken the opinion of homeopaths working in Homeo clinics who treat patients with acute and chronic constipation.

If you feel that you guys could add something to our deliberations, you all would be most welcome.

We will work together to make this world beautiful to live and free from any disease by use of cost-effective alternative medicines which are also free from side effects.

If you like Homeopathy, you may find some more topics which are as follows, where the use of homeopathy has proven to be very useful.

Homeopathic Remedies for Stye in Eye
The Homeopathic Remedies for Cough and Cold
Homeopathic Remedies for Diarrhea in Toddlers
The Homeopathic Medicine for Piles: How to Find Quick Relief?


Allergy Treatment in Homeopathy

Allergy Treatment in Homeopathy: An Elixir for Seasonal Allergies

Allergy Treatment in Homeopathy for seasonal reactions has become quite popular as they cure without causing any side effects.

It is a matter of intense discussion, whether antidepressant can cure allergies or whether natural allergy treatment methods are more successful?

Homeopathy attempts to treat ailments using very small dilutions, usually in a water or alcohol base. The theory is to provide the body a little dose of something that will mimic the disease and find the body to heal itself.

Most professionals of homeopathy say that they treat patients, not the illness. Therefore there seems to be more emphasis on the cause of the disease than the symptoms in the treatment with homeopathy.

Allergy treatment in homeopathy has become a favorite form of treatment and it is now widely available and recognized. While taking the homeopathic medicines, one must not touch it with some other substances because they contaminate it and hence the medicine lose their efficacy to imitate the disease correctly.

If you are using homeopathic drops they must be placed under the tongue for a specific period of time before they are consumed. It causes the fastest way for the medicine to enter the bloodstream.

Homeopathic medicines must be kept in a cool dark place and never in the direct sunshine. They must also be saved from exposure to electromagnetic fields, intense fragrance, smoke etc.

Diagnosis of Allergic Condition

When your nose suddenly starts running, you start sneezing, your eyes itching or suddenly hives develop on your body, think that possibly you have been subjected to some form of an allergic attack. Allergy treatment in homeopathy is perhaps now your best option to cure the symptoms.

Allergic attacks are mostly seasonal in nature. That means a change of season or environmental condition may cause allergies.

In conventional methods of treatment, it is said that allergies are caused by allergens. But now it is a proven fact that this is just a misconception. Allergies are caused by the weak immune system of the individuals who are unable to cope with the seasonal changes. Allergy treatment in homeopathy has been found to be most effective for such conditions.

If you have a strong immune system, various allergens like dust, pollen or insects may not be able to cause any harm to your body.

What is Allergy?

Allergy is a sudden response of the body system to the external agents. They may also occur as a result of the response to some internal agents like food allergy which occur after consumption of the food.

Allergies are diagnosed on the basis of symptoms which surface on the body parts like a development of skin rashes, inflammation, hives, running nose, sneezing etc. Allergy treatment in homeopathy is best to treat such symptoms.

There are no fixed causes of allergies. Anything or everything on earth may act as an allergen and may cause allergies to individuals.

Allergies often develop when body biological mechanism sense presence of any foreign body or environment either externally or internally. It misunderstands it to be dangerous and therefore responds to protect thyself.

What are the Symptoms of Allergies?

We have already discussed some of the symptoms in the above paragraphs. However, they are summarised as below:-

Development of skin rashes
Sneezing and or running of nose
Burning sensation in eyes, nose, throat or skin
A sudden headache
Sudden feelings of nausea
Stomach cramps and diarrhea
Development of hives on body
Swelling of lips, mouth, throat, eyelids or genital parts
Anaphylactic shock, a serious and dangerous allergic reaction
Sudden fall in the blood pressure
Shortness of breath and craving for fresh air

Allergy Treatment in Homeopathy and Management

In homeopathy, more stress is given to body immune system while treating the allergic conditions. It is widely believed that allergens are just a trigger point to various symptomatic presentations and it is the body immune system which ultimately is responsible for causing allergies.

In homeopathy, the practicing physician looks upon the individual in a totality of his symptoms which he or she experiences and attempts to find the best medicine which imitates these symptoms.

The homeopathic medicines may help to remove the underlying causes of the disease by stimulating the allergic conditions and then totally curing it.

Homoeopathy is capable of managing different symptoms of allergies. It plays an important role in preventing relapse of the condition and thereby improving the general health of the individual.

Homoeopathy treats in totality, therefore a permanent long-lasting cure is achievable, rather than a temporary suppression of the symptoms.

Five most often used homeopathic medicines, by various homeopaths for treatment of Allergies are in brief as follows:-

Kali Bichromicum

Running nose
Heaviness or irritation is throat
presence of thick mucus in nose or throat
Mucous is stringy, yellowish, greenish in color
Relief on pressure in the nasal area or root of nose

Natrum Mur

Cold and Cough with feverish body
Sneezing and watery running nose which develops later on in thick mucous
Whitish thick nasal discharge
Foul smell from nose and mouth
Loss of taste on tongue
Intolerance towards heat or exposure to sunlight


Best remedy for skin allergies
Excessive itching or burning sensation of skin
Dryness of skin
Relief on scratching
Prefers being dirty
Avoids taking bath or cleansing the body
Craving for sweets

Apis Mellifica

Works best for hives and swelling of skin
Intense itching and burning sensation of skin
At times stinging sensations
Feels better on exposure to cold or cold water
Sensitive skin
Patient feels comfortable in open air

Arsenic Album

Best suited for nasal allergies
Loud and frequent sneezing
Watery eyes and burning sensation
Sensitivity to light

Precautionary Measures to Avoid Allergy

Someone has rightly said that precaution is better than cure. Little care saves lots of discomforts which may dwell later on. There are certain Do’s and Don’t to avoid development of allergic conditions in one’s life. They are as below in brief:-

Keep the house and rooms dust free.
Avoid carpets and rugs in the room lying for prolonged periods.
Keep pets out of the living rooms.
Avoid smoking inside the room
Don’t allow wet or damp clothes hanging in the room for a prolonged period.
Use an exhaust fan to circulate fresh air into the room.


Symptomatic allergic reactions are the most common disease which causes disturbances in the routine life of the individuals.

The symptomatic conditions are often acute in nature but they tend to become chronic if allowed to remain untreated for prolonged periods. Use of conventional medicines sometimes aggravate the problems in place of curing them.

Homeopathic Medicines for allergies are the best option to treat allergic conditions. They are good to treat the conditions which occur due to immune system disturbances.

In this article, we have discussed in detail the above subject and tried our best to present different aspects of the disease. We have also taken help of some professionals in Homeo clinics who deal with acute and chronic allergic conditions to understand the disease.

If you have got something more to add to this deliberations, then please drop your advice, comment on the comment box.

We will together make this world beautiful to live and free from any disease by use of cost-effective alternative medicines which are also free from side effects.

Below is the list of articles whom you may find of profound interest for your wisdom and knowledge to enhance the understanding of homeopathy in dealing with various other medical conditions.

Homeopathy Treatment for Diabetes
Homeopathic Remedies for Stye in Eye
Homeopathy for Asthma: Diagnosis, Management & Treatment
Homeopathic Remedies for Insomnia: Top 6 Medicines for Sleep Disorders



homeopathic remedy for sore throat

Homeopathic Remedy for Sore Throat and Swollen Glands

Homeopathic remedy for sore throat is a proven method of treating the condition without any side effects and use of steroids.

A sore Throat and Swollen Glands are the very common disease found in all age groups and both sexes. It may cause very little scratchiness feelings and may extend to very severe pain.

Children are very susceptible to sore throat symptoms and homeopathic remedy for sore throat in children is said to be the best method of treatment.

On the surface, though sore throat condition looks very simpler at times it may develop into complications due to extreme infections which sometimes extend up to lungs. In such conditions, pharynx and tonsils are very severely infected.

Children who are more prone to tonsilitis and always suffer from inflammation of tonsils required immediate attention and homeopathic remedy for sore throat.

It is found that in many extreme instances surgical intervention is sought to remove the tonsils.

It is also found that such children are very susceptible to throat infections and at times these infections extend deeper to trachea, bronchi, lungs and spread to the areas of ears and sinuses.

Homeopathic remedy for sore throat and swollen glands even after surgical interventions also work phenomenical results.

Natural preliminary treatments like gargling with salted warm water and using homeopathic medicines work wonders for the disease if opted timely.

What are the Causes of Sore Throat?

Sore throats occur due to viral infections. It is more common in a person suffering from common cold and flues.

A sore throat may also be caused by bacterial infections, pollutions, environmental conditions and some allergies.

Streptococcus bacteria is known to cause almost 25-40% of all the sore throat conditions more particularly in children.

Homeopathic remedy for sore throat is said to be the best cure for such symptoms.

Symptoms of Sore Throat and Swollen Glands

Physical symptoms which are often observed in a patient suffering from sore throats or infections of the swollen glands are following:-

  • Enlarged and swollen tonsils
  • Itchiness in throat
  • Feeling of Pain while swallowing anything
  • White spots on the swollen glands or throat linings
  • Running nose
  • Sinusitis
  • Fever

Homeopathic Remedy for Sore Throat

Homeopathy is known for its efficacy and safety. Homeopathic Remedy for Sore Throat is often very effective and without any side effects.

Use of homeopathic medicines also stops recurring tendencies of a sore throat as it addresses very well the underlying causative factors.

Homeopathic Remedy for Sore Throat works great for infants and children though it is equally effective for the people of all age groups and both sexes.

Homeopathic physicians use various medicines depending upon the individual’s constituents to treat a sore throat. However, some of the very often used medicines which they prescribe to cure the sore throat conditions are given below:-


  • Homeopaths usually prescribe this medicine for sore throat
  • Inflammation of tonsils
  • Reddish look of linings
  • Dryness and brightness of throat
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Increased sensitivity to the back of the throat


  • Chronic sore throat condition
  • Constant itching pain in throat areas
  • Associated gastric and rheumatic complaints
  • Swallowing of solid food very agonizing
  • Presence of thick phlegm and dry cough
  • Desire to take cold drinks


  • More useful for people who speak a lot like singers, teachers, orators or public speakers
  • Constant itching or tickling sensation in throat linings
  • Hoarse voice
  • Sensation of burning pain in throat while coughing
  • Desire for cold drinks
  • Symptoms worsen on mental exertions or change of weather


  • Very common remedy for a chronic sore throat
  • Feeling of heat in the mouth or throat areas
  • Sensation of something stuck in the throat and constant desire to clear the area by the act of mild coughing
  • Hoarse voice
  • Stained or greenish sputum
  • Recurring throat infections


  • Indicated in throat inflammation
  • More suitable for acute cases
  • Insecure personality, Incapability of understanding
  • Lyc people often occupy important position in society like Professors, Doctors, Lawyers or Gazetted officers
  • Pain more prominent to the right side
  • Pain gets worse on drinking cold drinks
  • Feeling of ball in the throat


  • Best suited for children
  • Irritable and crying
  • Acute hoarseness and dry cough
  • Rattling sound in chest
  • The Child gets cold easily
  • Baryta Carbonicum is a good complementary medicine to use along with Chamomilla

Mercurius Solubilis

  • Spongy throat
  • Stiffness of neck
  • Swallowing difficult
  • Marked bad odor of mouth
  • Tongue thick coated with sometimes imprints of teeth
  • Sub-maxillary glands enlarged, dark red throat
  • The throat is raw and burning
  • Tonsils are red and swollen
  • Worse condition at night
  • Trembling gait of the patient


A sore Throat and Swollen Glands are most common diseases yet the very problematic ones which hinder upon the routine life of an individual.

The symptomatic condition of a sore throat becomes chronic in few patient and use of conventional medicine aggravate the problems in place of curing them.

Homeopathic remedy for sore throat is the best option to treat such conditions.

In this article, we have dwelled in detail on the above subject and tried our best to present different aspects of it. We have also taken help of some professional in Homeo clinics who deal with such conditions.

If you have got something add to the above deliberations, then please drop your advice, comments in the comment box.

We will together make this world beautiful to live and free from any disease.

Below is the list of few articles whom you may find of profound interest for your wisdom and knowledge to enhance your understanding of homeopathy in dealing with various medical conditions.

Skin Care Solutions in Homeopathy: A Treatment Without Side Effects
Leucorrhoea Treatment in Homeopathy Through Miasmatic Management
Homeopathic Remedies for Insomnia: Top 6 Medicines for Sleep Disorders
Homeopathic Medicine for Osteoarthritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


homeopathy for asthma

Homeopathy for Asthma: Diagnosis, Management & Treatment

Homeopathy for Asthma treatment is one of the very popular methods of treatment. Homeopathic remedies are very effective for treating children.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a disease of obstruction in airways. The airway tubes carry air in and out to the lungs. When due to various reasons, the walls of airways become sore or swollen, it affects the smooth flow of air and the person starts panting for fresh air. This is called Asthma.

Types of Asthma

Asthma may be acute or chronic.

The acute Asthma gets cured when the subject is moved out of the environment which precipitates it. A little dose of medication from Homeopathy for Asthma may or may not be necessary for the cure.

The chronic Asthma does not get cured but the person just gets temporary relief from medication.

What is Asthmatic Attack?

When the person afflicted with Asthma starts panting for fresh air severely followed usually by perspiration, then it is said that he or she is under Asthmatic Attack.

Homeopathy for Asthma

There are many methods available to treat the condition of Asthma. In conventional methods, Allopathic medicines are usually used to cure the symptoms or to an extent bring relief to the individual.

Other alternative methods of treatment for Asthma is Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha or Acupuncture and Yogic Kriyas.

Homeopathy for Asthma has a long history of treatment for asthmatic problems and the allergies. Homeopathy is the only system of medication that can cure a child experiencing asthma, rather than supplying symptomatic relief.

While handling a kid’s case, a homeopathic doctor will need to know not just the signs of the illness together with details, but also the health history, family history, pregnancy along with delivery history, along with physical and psychological qualities of each kid.

In case your kid has allergies, he or she’s more prone to develop asthma. More than 70% of people with asthma also suffer from allergies, which play a part in triggering Asthma and inflammation.

Asthma and allergies are ailments caused by exposure to an allergen that triggers an allergic waterfall of events that results in constriction, itchy eyes or a running nose and wheezing.

Over 17 million people are affected by asthma alone in America. You can imagine the number of afflicted people if the data of the whole world is taken into account. For such a vast population, Homeopathy for Asthma treatment is indeed a good option.

The symptoms of asthma include a cough, chest tightness, difficulty in breathing, and wheezing. Hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, is also known as a risk factor for asthma.

Mouth breathing, exercising in cold, dry air or prolonged, intense activities like medium- to long distance running may precipitate the probability of exercise-induced asthma.

In treatment through Homeopathy for Asthma in children involves viewing each kid individually and as a whole. The homeopathic medication considers mental and physical factors together.

Have you heard about asthma brought on by anger, feeling for being abandoned or sad when parents are divorcing? Yes, there is a relation between individual’s sadistic mood and the Asthma.

When an individual experiences sadness or anger, it, in turn, may cause physical symptoms like wheezing and coughing. Prolonged sustenance in the environment may precipitate Asthma.

A cautiously chosen remedy of Homeopathy for Asthma might help to resolve these problems and cure Asthmatic problems. Let us discuss a case study where Asthma develops due to sadistic mood.

Case 1 – Asthma caused by emotions of abandonment

Symptoms: His asthma was worse throughout the spring along with cloudy, hot, damp weather. He continued to cough even between asthma attacks, it was a very wet, bubbling sound in his chest in the morning along with a dry, teasing cough with wheezing throughout the day.

Causes:  A study of the various events before the development of the malady indicates a surprising reason. He developed an acute asthma attack once his mother went away on a very business trip.

Treatment:  Bobby was not treatment with a conventional method of treatment instead therapy of Homeopathy for Asthma was used to treat him. His case study was thoroughly undertaken and based upon the various constituent suitable homeopathic medication prescribed. After eight months of treatment by Homeopathy for Asthma conditions, Bobby was completely free of asthma. In the last year, he has not experienced any severe asthma attacks.

The above case study amply proves that Asthma also depends upon the mood of the individual and sadistic mood precipitate Asthma.

Homeopathic Medication for Asthma

Obstructed Airways in Asthma

The duct of airways may be blocked by mucous and the patient is often found forcing for clearing it by persistent coughing. Homeopathy for Asthma is a potent way of treating such conditions.

There are many homeopathic medicines which a homeopath prescribes to his patient after adjudging the physical and mental constituents. However, the following are the most common homeopathic medicines which are generally prescribed.


It is one of the most often used homeopathic medicine to stop Asthma which is mainly triggered by exposure to the cold environment. The general symptoms which are involved with Aconite include Presence of a cough, tightness in the chest, chest constriction, pain in chest and difficulty in respiration. The patient may be feeling restless.


Bryonia is most suitable for patients whose asthmatic condition worsens after slight exertion. The symptoms may include shortness of breath, the presence of a dry cough and feeling of thirst.


Ipecac acts very good in children who have Asthmatic problems triggered by allergic conditions such as sneezing, cold and cough. There may be profuse watery discharge from the nose. The child may be sneezing with rattling cough and there will be shortness of breath.

Baryta Carb:

This is said to be a very good medicine and a better mode of treatment through Homeopathy for Asthma in the elderly people suffering from asthmatic attacks. Often the patient of Baryta is so weak that he or she is unable to spit out a cough or the mucus from the lungs. The patient will have congestion in chest, rattling sound of lungs and may be suffocating.

Pothos Foetidus:

It is yet another very popular homeopathic medicine often prescribed by homeopaths to treat the asthmatic condition which has been triggered by exposure to dusty environments and the smoke. The patient of Pothos Foetidus must be gasping and wanting fresh air. There may be chest and throat pain. After passing stool and cleansing bowel, the patient may feel good.

Precautionary Methods and Control

There are several precautionary methods which could be taken to stop precipitation of Asthma in an individual. Asthma usually gets triggered due to one or more factors. We can control those factors and thereby avoid Asthma.

Asthma triggers which are caused due to environmental substances lead to a full-fledged Asthamatic disease and subsequent attacks.

There may be different Asthmatic triggers.

1. Physical Triggers: Exercises, Anxiety, stress syndrome, depression, fear or any infection to the windpipe may cause an Asthmatic attack.

2. Allergen Triggers: Dust in the environment and smoke is a common allergen which induces Asthma. Pollens, Fugus, Cockroaches and feathered animals in the surrounding are also common allergens.

3. Irritant Triggers: Smoke caused by burning certain chemicals are known as Irritant triggers. Smoke caused by burning of tobacco, sulfur, food additives etc are called Irritant Triggers. Vehicular emissions and certain industrial emissions also fall in this category.

If one takes care of these various forms of triggers, and use Homeopathy for Asthma treatment then he or she may stop the laming Asthmatic attacks.


Asthma is a very widely prevalent disease encompassing a very large number of population in every country. India is one of such countries where people mostly from the poverty groups are widely inflicted with this disease.

Homeopathy for Asthma is the most affordable option to treat the condition for such a wide population effectively. It is safe and without any side effects.

In this article, we have discussed in detail on the above subject and tried our best to present different aspects of it. We have taken help of some professional in Homeo clinics who deal with such conditions.

If you have got something add to the above deliberations on Asthma, then please drop your advice, comment on the comment box.

Below is the list of few articles whom you may find of profound interest for your wisdom and knowledge to enhance your understanding of homeopathy in dealing with various medical conditions.

Best Ideas about In Home Child Care
Homeopathic Remedies for Cough
Homeopathic Medicines for Acidity and Heartburn Symptoms
Homeopathic Remedies for Insomnia: Top 6 Medicines for Sleep Disorders

Homeopathic Medicines for Acidity

Homeopathic Medicines for Acidity and Heartburn Symptoms

Acidity and Heartburn symptoms are the digestive problems caused by an imbalance of acid-secreting mechanism of the stomach and intestinal lines. The Homeopathic Medicines for Acidity and Heartburn are the best way to treat such conditions without any side effects.

What are Acidity and Heartburn?

In literal medical terms, Acidity is known as Dyspesia. It is a gastric symptom typically related with excessive secretions of acid in the digestive canal. Excessive presence of acidity generally leads to Heartburn in the stomach.

The Heartburn is characterized by burning sensation in the chest area which may ostensively sometimes extend to the upper stomach.

Homeopathic Medicines for Acidity and Heartburn is very popular to treat acidity and heartburn conditions.

Causes of Acidity and Heartburn

Lifestyle, dietary habits, lack of exercise and emotional or stress-related factors are responsible for acidity and heartburns.

We can enumerate some of the different causes where Homeopathic Medicines for Acidity and Heartburn have proven very effective. They are as follows:-

1. Usage of tobacco products.
2. Smoking and drinking excessive alcohol
3. Intake of fast foods on regular basis.
4. Excessive use of oil and spicy food products.
5. Consumption of chocolates and cakes etc more often.
6. Excessive dependence on non-vegetarian foods.
7. Often excessive eating or drinking
8. Drinking water along with consumption of heavy food
9. Emotive causes and presence of anxiety or stress syndromes
10. Presence of Ulcer or any Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease.

Symptoms of Acidity

How do you recognize that an individual is suffering from acidity or heartburn? What are the most viable symptoms?

The symptoms of acidity and heartburn include burning sensation in the chest area more particularly behind the sternum areas.

The patient may feel bitter acrid burping and water brash in the stomach.

Presence of flatulence, bloated stomach, heaviness in intestinal areas and sometimes the presence of periodic acute stomach ache signify Acidity.

Why use Homeopathic Medicines for Acidity?

The beauty of the homeopathy is almost minimal or nil side effects on individuals. It is perhaps the safest mode to deal with any acidity or heartburn related symptomatic conditions. It offers complete cure from the disease.

The Homeopathic Medicines for Acidity and Heartburn is very effective in treating both acute and chronic cases. However, it is seen that most people suffering from chronic conditions of acidity or heartburn finally opt for homeopathy as a last resort and they often get cured of it.

Treatment by Homeopathic Medicines for Acidity and Heartburn

There are a number of homeopathic medicines which treat Acidity and Heartburn. Selection of homeopathic medicines depends upon the constitution of the individual. An experienced homeopath takes into account various facts into the consideration, studies the case history of the patient, and depending upon the abnormalcy in the patient, decides upon the medicines to be prescribed for him or her.

Some of the most commonly used Homeopathic Medicines for Acidity are given below:-

1. Carbo Veg

Patient suffers from distention of abdomen
Heartburn symptoms predominantly present
Nausea in the morning hours
Patient feels like lying on bed and avoid works
Bloated stomach
Belching and heaviness in stomach
Patient feels relief in open air or airy environment

2. Nux Vomica

Generally good enough for all types of digestive troubles.
Short tempered or tense personality
Accustomed to alcohol or non-vegetarian foods
Bulky body contour
Loves coffee, oil, and spicy foods
Digestive troubles worse in the morning

3. Ipecac

Presence of Nausea predominantly
Heartburn symptoms
Excessive salivation
Feels very little thirst

4. Pulsatilla

Burning sensation at a particular spot in the stomach
Presence of flatulence
Finds comforts in the company of people
Feels miserable and more problematic when left alone
Emotional personality
Feels good in the loosen items of clothing
Finds comforts in open air
Craving for ice-cream, cakes, and pastry
Presence of Eructations
Usually feel pain in stomach after an hour of eating

5. Arsenicum Album

Burning pain of stomach
Presence of Acid Reflux
Sensation of Choked throat
Loosened stool or diarrhea
Feel better with hot drinks
Anxious or Fearful personality

Management of Acidity and Heartburn

Along with following the Homeopathic Medicines for Acidity and heartburn following steps must be followed to control acidity.

  • Avoid late hour sleeps
  • Early to bed and early to rise should be practiced as lifestyle
  • Avoid going to bed immediately after taking dinner
  • Ensure Avoiding usage of alcohol, smoking or usage of tobacco
  • Avoid taking painkiller medicines
  • Make a habit to drink water only after an hour of taking food
  • Routine daily exercises are highly recommended
  • Brisk Walking in fresh air is recommended


Acidity and heartburns are most common diseases yet the very problematic ones which hinder upon the routine life of an individual.

The symptomatic condition of acidity becomes chronic in few patient and use of conventional medicine aggravate the problems in place of curing them.

Homeopathic Medicines for Acidity are the best option to treat such conditions.

In this article, we have dwelled in detail on the above subject and tried our best to present different aspects of it. We have also taken help of some professional in Homeo clinics who deal with such conditions.

If you have got something add to the above deliberations, then please drop your advice, comment into the comment box.

We will together make this world beautiful to live and free from any disease.

Below is the list of few articles whom you may find of profound interest for your wisdom and knowledge to enhance your understanding of homeopathy in dealing with various medical conditions.

Skin Care Solutions in Homeopathy: A Treatment Without Side Effects
Leucorrhea (White Clumpy Discharge) and Its Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic Remedies for Insomnia: Top 6 Medicines for Sleep Disorders
Homeopathic Medicine for Osteoarthritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy Skin Treatment

Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy Skin Treatment Without Side Effects

Skin disorders are varied in nature and Skin Allergy is one of such conditions. Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy Skin Treatment has been found very effective and is used as the best skin care solution.

In finding proper skin care solutions, it is important that a comprehensive and meditative approach is adopted to diagnose the problem.

Once the problem at hand is diagnosed by undertaking proper case history then a proper Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy Skin Treatment can be found.

Who does not like to have a healthy and glowing skin?

Skin of any part of the body is equally important. Though it is an altogether different story that people tend to give more importance to the part of the skin which is exposed out.

Skin of face, shoulders, hands which are visible to the eyes are important, but the skin which is under our garment is of equally medical importance. Skin allergy is very common in all such cases and finding a proper Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy Skin Treatment is a cost-effective solution without any side effects.

Remember skin is a mirror of the overall health condition of an individual. So it should never be taken lightly. Proper skin care solutions, particularly for allergy skin, should be invariably explored.

When we talk about the skin problems, we talk of skin disorders of the outermost layer of skin which is in medical terms called as ‘Epidermis‘.

Most of the skin related ailments are found on the surface of the epidermis only. Allergy Skin is very common and Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy Skin Treatment is very popular.

People those who have the fairer skin or the darker skins, both are equally susceptible to the skin problems. Therefore, in any case, proper skin care solutions should be found for all.

People with darker skins may at times use skin lightening solutions to look little fairer. An individual with very fair skin probably wouldn’t be intrigued in an all over lightening effect, but they could have some freckles or age spots to deal with. So skin problems vary from person to person and their skin care solutions may also vary.

For all skin textures, a bodily substance known as Melanin is responsible.

Melanin is a type of hormone produced by specialized cells in the stratum basal layer of the epidermis. The stratum basal layer is four to five layers under the surface. The layers vary in thickness and all of them naturally become thinner with age, unless precautionary measures are taken to keep skin cell production high.

Exposure to Ultraviolet rays of sunlight cause greater melanin production, which darkens the skin’s tone.

Freckles and age spots are melanin clumps that occur due to sunlight exposures. Therefore for all such problem a proper skin care solutions should be devised.

In people with darker complexions or skin tones, the melanin-producing cells are more active, overall, as opposed to just in spots or clumps. Even in people with darker skin, areas which are seldom exposed to sunlight looks lighter in shades.

A few homeopathic medicines in a form of cream inhibits melanin production. You wear the creams throughout the daytime, whenever you’d typically be exposed to at least a bit of sunshine. If included in an adequate concentration, the ingredients will efficiently lighten the skin’s tone, without bleaching.

Lightening the skin texture or preventing it from getting it darker is not only the concerns related to the skin of individuals. There are other different types of skin problems too. Allergy Skin is very common.

Allergy Skin Related Problems

Skin Related Problems

In the following paragraphs first we will talk about different skin related disorders in general and then we will attempt on finding a proper Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy Skin Treatment.

1. Dry Skin

Dry skin is basically a skin condition. The skin may get dry due to a variety of reasons. The environment is one of the most important cause. There may be also reasons relating to the internal health of the individual. Dry skin precipitate allergy skin.

Use of kind of water for bathing, usage of the type of soap, detergent or exposure to certain chemical etc are also responsible for the dry skin. To deal with such condition we must use proper skin care solutions.

2. Acne

In medical terminology, Acne is known as Acne Vulgaris and it is said to be a skin disease caused by the clogged dead skin cells and oil from the skin.

Acne is characterized by the name pimples, blackhead, and scarring etc.

Increased secretion of oil sebum of the skin, infections, diet, and stress, imbalances of hormones and smoking is responsible for the appearance of acne.

3. Dermatitis

Inflation of skin, itching of the skin or red scars on the skin are typically characterized as Dermatitis. In general terms, it is also known as Eczema. Sometimes it may be the result of allergy skin. Therefore Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy Skin Treatment may work better as a viable skin care solution.

Dermatitis is of different kinds which include atopic dermatitis, stasis dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis, Perioral dermatitis and Neurodermatitis.

4. Psoriasis

It is a skin condition characterized by swollen, reddish patches covered with whitish scales. Psoriasis mostly affects the head scalp, lower parts of leg, elbows, fingernails or toenails.

5. Pruritus

In simple terminology Pruritus means itching. It may be caused by a number of factors which includes dry skin and other skin related disorders.

6. Rosacea

It is a chronic skin condition which affects mainly the face and nose areas of an individual. Rosacea symptoms include redness of the face, tiny red pimples and vascular linings on the facial skin.

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Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy Skin Treatment and Skin Care Solutions

Homeopathy is the best approach to treat any skin condition or skin related problems. Homeopathy focuses on the constitutionality of the individual and takes into account his or her overall health condition for therapy. It is capable of providing proper skin care solution for any type of skin related problems. Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy Skin Treatment has been found as the best skin care solution without any side effects.

In homeopathy, we call skin disorders as a manifestation of inner imbalances, emotional issues or anxiety related problems. Homeopathy attempts to treat the cause of these manifestations rather than treating the superficial skin problems.

Some of the often used Homeopathic medicines as a skin care solutions and as allergy skin treatment for various skin ailments are given below:-

1. Graphite

  • Cracked mouth corners
  • Dryness of face
  • Acne which suppurates or oozing sticky exudation
  • Pimples are itchy in nature
  • Redness of face on sun exposure
  • Feel better in dark room
  • Sensation of spider web on face
  • Constipated person

2. Rhus Toxicodendron

  • Effective in Eczema
  • Itching or tingling skin
  • Feeling worse at night or in damp weather
  • Warm environment provides relief
  • Unhealthy skin with yellowish scabs

3. Asterias Rubens

  • Very effective in different types of Acne
  • Flabby patients
  • Excessive urge for sex
  • Itchy Skin
  • Sycotic diathesis
  • Thick skin
  • Elasticity of the skin appear

4. Merc Sol

  • Very potent for supportive skin eruptions
  • Pustular or Syphilitic acne
  • Excessive perspiration
  • Skin problems of private parts
  • Yellowish or greenish pus secretions
  • Smelly supporation
  • Worse at night or in damp environment
  • Feel better in warm and dry environment
  • Puffy or Earthy looks

5. Sepia

  • Best for herps related skin problems
  • Brownish spots on the skin
  • Eczema of hands
  • Dry and chapped skin
  • Psoriasis
  • Skin eruptions are supportive in nature

The above few are the most common homeopathic medicine for allergy skin and skincare. They cure the skin related problems and skin allergies. Apart from this, there are a vast number of other homeopathic medicines that we can use for various skin problems. Some more prominent among them are Rhus Toxicodendron, Natrum Muriaticum, Sulphur, Thuja, Natricum Acidum, Belladonna, Dulcamara, Bovista, Radium Brom, Calcarea Sulph etc. The treating homeopath decides which medicine will be most suitable for skin care solutions to the individual.

Natural Measures to Keep our Skin Healthy and Glowing

Healthy Skin

1. Proper sleep is a must for keeping one stress-free.
2. Drink plenty of water. At least 6 to 10 glass of water per day is good for an average individual. It helps our skins to be misty.
3. Avoid excessive exposure sun rays.
4. Regular routine exercise strengthens our muscles and skin tone by providing adequate blood flow to the tissues.
5. Use skin moisturizers or sun ray creams to protect our skin.


Use of homeopathic medicine for allergy skin is a most potent way to treat skin ailments. It tries to heal your body from within and not merely outwardly.

Skin ailments are generally a manifestation of deeper internal problems of an individual.

If you follow a healthy lifestyle, lead a stress-free life and remain cheerful, you are less likely to be prone to skin diseases.

In this article, we have tried our best to deliberate at length on the topic of Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy Skin Treatment in our best way. We have sought the advice of some of the experienced professionals dealing such conditions at the Homeo clinics.

Hope this article will help you to understand various issues of Skin disorders and its Skincare solutions. I will recommend you to seek the help of the health professionals if you are suffering from some of the serious problems of this disease.

With our experience, we can certainly say that Homeopathic remedies for skin problems are certainly one of the best skin care solutions to try as a treatment.

This article is purely for informative and educational purposes. So as a thumb rule, always consult a homeopath if you are suffering from any of the serious conditions of skin diseases and after consulting find proper skin care solutions.

Self-Medication is dangerous hence you should always avoid it.

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