Homeopathic Medicine for Piles: How to Find Quick Relief?
Finding Cure Through Homeopathic Medicine for Piles or Hemorrhoids
Piles is an end product of digestive disorder and appear as tumorous swelling with engorged blood vessels of the anus. Normally the Anus opening is symptomatic with follicle masses which looks infectious and painful. To find a quick relief there is Homeopathic Medicine for Piles. Let us find it out.
Symptoms of Piles
Who are the patients of Piles?
Causes of Piles
Types of Piles
Primary Piles occur due to hereditary causes and without any obvious factor. Secondary Piles occur in continuation of certain diseases like liver disorders, hypertension etc.
When morphological descensus from the place of origin occurs, we call it as the Prolapsed Piles. Such piles appear outside the anus hole during any pressure or passing of the stool and when pressure is eased they tend to recede inside.
Management of Piles
Practice passing stools two times in a day in the morning and evening hours. It will prevent hardening of stool and strain on the rectum.
Take proper diet more particularly fibrous and easily digestible food, juices and adequate quantity of water. Avoid spices, chilies, and oily food.
Avoid sedentary lifestyle, and use of alcohol and intoxicants.
Vitamin E is beneficial in Piles.
Homeopathic medicine for piles is a good option to manage it.
Treatment by Homeopathic Medicine for Piles
When the pile mass is bigger and recovery with usual methods is not possible, usually doctors advice for a surgical procedure.
In the normal course of treatment, use of lotions, medicinal ointments, and pills temporarily cure the disease. However, it may reappear after a certain period of time.
Homeopathic medicine for piles has proved very cost effective and somewhat an authentic remedy for relief and final cure. A qualified practitioner of homeopathy normally prescribes, Graphites, Hamamelis, Bryonia, Calc carb, Calc Phos, Capsicum, Acid Nit, Aconite, Aesculus Hip, Aloes, Apis Mel, Mer Cor, Millefolium, Muriatic acid, Nat Sulp, Phosphorus, Podophyllum, Ratahnia, Silicea depending upon the constitution and characteristics of the patient.
Homeopathic medicine for piles is generally prescribed by a qualified homeopath after examining various constituents of body and mind of the patient.
Homeopathy treatment gives good result in piles treatment. Thanks for sharing.
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